Frequently asked questions

  • People spend much of their day out of their homes on their commutes to and from work, shopping, errands, and visiting family. OOH allows you to target an audience 24 hours of the day.

  • A campaign’s ad can display anywhere from twice a minute to every 4-5 minutes.

  • If you have your own artwork, great! If not, we can connect you with our graphic designer to create an ad designed for billboard use.

  • Once we have a contract together we can put your digital ad up as soon as we have artwork!

  • Contact us if you would like more information and pricing and we’ll work with you to create a plan that suits your needs.

  • A cycle is 4 weeks. We can create a campaign for you based on how many cycles you are looking to run and how many ads you wish to display in a 24 hour period.